Who says that you can’t be happy and single? Is it the hundreds of memes that display singleness as this lonely “sunken place” of emotion? Or is it the groups of […]
7 Simple Ways to Slim-Down Without Hitting the Gym
Summer is well underway and contrary to popular belief and Instagram models, many of us have yet to reach our “summer time fine” body goals. With many products on the market that promise quick results in a matter of days with little to no effort, we continue to buy into the idea that less is more even when our health is on the line.
iTunes, Headphones, and SZA's New Album
In an effort to generate some talk surrounding today’s music and the different types of vibes that are circulating the airwaves, I thought it would be nice to share my […]
Assets vs Liabilities: Knowing When to Let People the F*ck Go!
Whenever we think of business or any venture that requires taking a risk, the terms “assets” and “liabilities” always come to the forefront. Accounting guru’s like Jim Bourke and Jean Caragher often define […]
The"Sunken Place" is Not Another Meaningless Metaphor
Jordan Peele recently emerged as one of America’s leading comedy voices on the issue of race in white spaces with his latest film Get Out. But while the horror-thriller continues […]
Why "Good Guys" Go Unnoticed When Dating Black Men
The constant routine of swiping right and finding a match has been my approach to dating for the last few months and I must admit that the process of “trial and error” when it comes to finding “the one” is truly exhausting.
12 Things I've Learned as a First-Generation College Graduate
Coming from a large family filled with dynamic personalities and conflicting food choices, one would think that the decision to go to college would be an easy one to make.
Style Guide
The style guide provides you with a blueprint of Paperback’s default post and page styles. The style guide is also a great reference for suggested typographic treatment and styles for your […]
Decorating Beautiful Flower Vases
Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In gardens, ornamental plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance; useful plants, such […]