Q: As a woman, how quickly do you jump to conclusions about people?

  1. While doing so, have these assumptions proven to be accurate over time?
  2. What are some telltale signs of a good or bad person? 

First impressions are a major indicator as to how I perceive a person to be when meeting them. Whether it be in a professional setting, dating, or new acquaintances, a huge chunk of my assumptions come from how someone carriers themselves while in my presence.
Now, this does not mean that I go around complying a list of what I “like” or “dislike” about whoever I’m meeting, but you definitely get cool points if I don’t immediately pick up on any bad vibes or weirdo tendencies from the first encounter.
But to answer the first part of the question, I jump to conclusions as soon as something does not add up to a logical explanation. So if that happens within the first few weeks of knowing someone or the first few reasons, and only happens as often as it is presented to be.
You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, don’t let anyone tell you differently.

1+1=4 and a bunch of other B.S!

Of course, the above equation is incorrect but if you have ever been around a liar, then you know that they will try their hardest to convince you that the answer is four no matter how many mathematical facts you pull out of the bag.
The thing about assumptions and pulling someone’s card is that you have a 50/50 chance of being correct about whatever it is that you assumed. Generally speaking, we all have intuition which allows us to see through other’s facades but sometimes we fall short by allowing ourselves to see what we want to see based off of our emotions instead of realistic logical thinking.
A few examples of when we tune out our intuition is when:

  • Something new and exciting happens
  • Falling in love
  • Having too many drinks
  • Thinking on an empty stomach
  • Anxious, depressed, etc.

At times we let outside factors influence how we feel on the inside. The best way to combat this is to ignore all the distractions that we are faced with and really think about why something doesn’t sit well with you, or why you are assuming anything about a particular person in the first place.

Have these assumptions proven to be accurate over time?

Nine times out of ten, my assumptions about a person proved to be correct once time revealed itself. There were friends that I had growing up that I did not mesh well with but subconsciously I put it out of my mind because I also tend to overthink and overanalyze the intentions of others. Let’s just say years later these particular “friends” proved to be exactly who I perceived them to be in the end.
In terms of jumping to conclusions when in a romantic relationship, I rarely consume myself with conspiracy theories on what someone may be doing when I’m not around. When it comes to matters of the heart, I’m a firm believer that everything that is done in the dark will come to light, that saying alone has never proven me wrong. So instead of driving myself crazy by checking text messages, social media profiles, and call logs, I simply go with the flow and only address things that I may be uncomfortable with.

What are some telltale signs of a good or bad person? 

No matter how long you’ve known someone, you NEVER, EVER really know them. Humans are forever changing from emotion to emotion due to both internal and external factors. You may think that he/she is a good person, but push comes to shove you never know what they are capable of until placed into changing circumstances.
I know this may sound cynical or downright cruel but I do not believe that people are 100% good or bad. I think there is a grey area of character that peaks out at its least unexpected moment. We’ve all had an argument with someone when their “true” colors seeped out. These are the people that I’d gladly stay away from.
In my opinion, what makes a person “bad” or “good” is determined on how they treat others or the decisions they make when no one is around. I frequently watch the show “What Would You Do?” with John Quinones on ABC and that show is a thrity minute glimpse of what it means to ultimately do the right or wrong thing.
To break it down to a more concised answer,  a few telltale signs that let me know if someone is a good or bad person are:
“Good” person characteristics

  • Genuinely kind (without wanting something in return)
  • Willingness to help others
  • Empathy/Sympathetic to unfortunate events

“Bad” person characteristics

  • Harmful towards animals and children
  • Someone who constantly hurts others in an irrational way (for no apparent reason)

All and all, you never really know a person, no matter what your assumptions may be, Ultimately you can still end up making an ass out of yourself no matter what.