Sitting at a picnic table at a Community Park by my house, I looked at the waves of the serene pond in front of me and said “Today is the today I begin anew and live again”. Then I picked up my purple pen and wrote down everything I felt in my pretty pink “Faith” journal.
9 Best Practices for Conquering Being Single, Lonely, and Broke
Recently, I’ve been on a quest in finding what works for me. In this journey, I am realizing that I do not have all the answers of what brings about wholeness, still, I understand the relevance of showing up for myself while being single, lonely and broke.
15 Things You Should Say "No" to in Life and Love
A lot of people think that in order to be successful in life means compromising your happiness in order to achieve a more desirable outcome. There are many things that […]
3 Things You Need To Know About Quitting A Job
When you’re unhappy in your job, that stress can lead to many worse things than anxiety . Luckily for me, I was fortunate to find a company that values its employees both ethically and financially.
Why Does Black Love Matter?
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou
The Black History of Jumping the Broom
Saying your vows and marrying the person you love is truly a cause for celebration but is it necessary to jump the broom in black culture?
3 Must-Have Travel Apps for Abroad Trips
What’s stopping you from traveling aboard this year? With new apps being created to make travel easier, why not take advance of what technology has to offer?
A Black Man's Guide to Good Health
Do black men take care of themselves? Is that a myth? Is the black man even capable of such a task?
Why More Millennials Aren't In Real Life Relationships
We’ve all heard someone say that “millennial’s and long-term relationships just don’t mix”, but is that true? Here’s why people in their 20s and 30s are in no rush to settle down.
Lifestyle Living 101: Making a Student Loan Payoff Plan
DISCLAIMER: I am not a student loan “payoff” expert. I am simply passing along helpful information that was given to me.