Travel Hacks for First Time Planners

If you enjoy saving money while experiencing a little relaxation, ditch your travel agent and gain the freedom of choosing where you want to go by becoming knowledgeable on flight times, hotel bookings, and tourist attractions.

Overcoming Depression Through Travel

When depression comes knocking on my door, like many of us, I tend to forget how blessed I am. When I’m becoming smothered with the day-to-day routine, I rarely remember to stop and smell the roses and to be thankful for all that I have.

12 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going to College

If you’ve read my last blog “12 Things I’ve Learned as a First-Generation College Graduate”, then you know my journey of educational discovery came with a list full of self-preservational tactics and an array of trial and error experiences to match. Needless to say, my five-year kit came with no guide on how to stay afloat. Everything I know about college life came as the years went by, but I wouldn’t have had it any other the way.