“The Financial Guy” also known as Brandon Urquhart is someone you want to know in regards to talking big dollar bills, smart investments and creating generational wealth for you and your family for year’s to come. Urquhart has experienced many setbacks throughout his young life but he is featured today for his resilience, quick-witted business maneuvers, and willingness to help others as this week’s Money Moves Money creative.
Lessons I Learned in October
It has definitely been a while since my last post. The thing about me and writing is that certain words or phrases have to “hit me” in order to produce content. […]
Assets vs Liabilities: Knowing When to Let People the F*ck Go!
Whenever we think of business or any venture that requires taking a risk, the terms “assets” and “liabilities” always come to the forefront. Accounting guru’s like Jim Bourke and Jean Caragher often define […]