For starters, it was difficult for me to put this piece together. Not because of the title itself, but because of my innate instinct to not only protect women but […]
5 Reasons Why Women of Color Need to Self-Care Journal
Sitting at a picnic table at a Community Park by my house, I looked at the waves of the serene pond in front of me and said “Today is the today I begin anew and live again”. Then I picked up my purple pen and wrote down everything I felt in my pretty pink “Faith” journal.
9 Best Practices for Conquering Being Single, Lonely, and Broke
Recently, I’ve been on a quest in finding what works for me. In this journey, I am realizing that I do not have all the answers of what brings about wholeness, still, I understand the relevance of showing up for myself while being single, lonely and broke.
15 Things You Should Say "No" to in Life and Love
A lot of people think that in order to be successful in life means compromising your happiness in order to achieve a more desirable outcome. There are many things that […]
Why Does Black Love Matter?
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou
Overcoming Depression Through Travel
When depression comes knocking on my door, like many of us, I tend to forget how blessed I am. When I’m becoming smothered with the day-to-day routine, I rarely remember to stop and smell the roses and to be thankful for all that I have.